- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipfs/ unixfs dir with index.html succeeds
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipfs/ unixfs file succeeds
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipfs/ with only-if-cached fails when not in local datastore
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipfs/ with only-if-cached succeeds when in local datastore
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipfs/cid/file UnixFS file that does not exist returns 404
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipns/ file with matching Etag in If-None-Match returns 304 Not Modified
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipns/ unixfs dir as DAG-JSON succeeds
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipns/ unixfs dir as JSON succeeds
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipns/ unixfs dir listing succeeds
- 0001-01-01 | GET for /ipns/ unixfs dir with index.html succeeds