- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec from /ipfs without explicit format returns the same payload as the raw block
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec from /ipns with explicit application/vnd.ipld.dag-cbor has expected headers
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec from /ipns with explicit format returns the same payload as /ipfs
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec from /ipns without explicit format returns the same payload as /ipfs
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec on /ipfs with Accept: text/html returns HTML (dag-index-html)
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec on /ipns with Accept: text/html returns HTML (dag-index-html)
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec with ?format= has expected cbor Content-Type and body as-is - full request
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec with ?format= has expected cbor Content-Type and body as-is - multi range
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec with ?format= has expected cbor Content-Type and body as-is - single range
- 0001-01-01 | GET plain CBOR codec with Accept has expected cbor Content-Type and body as-is, with single range request - full request