TestGatewayIPNSRecordImplementationkuboConformance Versionv0.5.2Total✅17GET IPNS Record %28V1+V2%29 with %27Accept: application%2Fvnd.ipfs.ipns-record%27 has expected HTTP headers and valid key✅4GET IPNS Record %28V1+V2%29 with format=ipns-record has expected HTTP headers and valid key✅4GET IPNS Record %28V2%29 with %27Accept: application%2Fvnd.ipfs.ipns-record%27 has expected HTTP headers and valid key✅4GET IPNS Record %28V2%29 with format=ipns-record has expected HTTP headers and valid key✅4GET IPNS Record with explicit %3Ffilename= succeeds with modified Content-Disposition header✅1